Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Early Tuesday morning here with some quiet time still before me, my normal departure for school still more than an hour away. The weekend was a gray dismal event with enough hard rain to threaten us with the nearby creek and neither church service doing much to minister to this old man. The latter well might have been my own fault, though, if the pastor’s sermon can be believed, rejoicing simply a matter of doing it whether you feel it or not. While there is some truth to our needing to maintain an attitude allowing flow, my own theology sees “joy” as an inner condition held in a relationship with the Holy Ghost, one not necessarily demanding an enthusiastic participation in the program set before you. Freedom to worship, it seems to me, carries with it the liberty to let it come forth of its own accord, the event an encounter in and of itself, not a product manufactured from a formula. We, within Pentecost, can be guilty sometimes of attempting to create our own move of the Spirit. It’s a truth that has been with us long before we began broadcasting the entire evening live over the internet; and, in a way, it’s understandable, I suppose. Call it a thirst to know again that which you’ve experienced before, a strong desire to know His presence thick in your midst. Humanity can be a factor in both achieving and hindering that union, the key, in my opinion, however, simply a spirit willing for it to happen. It doesn’t take noise, nor fervor, nor contrived praise. If the heart is right, if the attitude’s not set in concrete, there is a place where two become one, a gift made possible through Christ; and visiting that oasis on a regular basis is vital in this journey….


  1. It's a beautiful thing when the connection is there and has not been manipulated by our trying to hard to make it happen.
