Saturday, October 5, 2013


Wednesday evening Bible study was another good one, although mostly we merely remained occupied with the same topic of struggling to keep our identity instead of allowing Christ to reshape us as we go. I was struck by the teacher’s account of his going home last week only to find himself pondering those things discussed in class concerning the Pope’s interview. He didn’t claim any definite influence from God in the matter, but spoke of the Gospel story where Jesus wrote in the sand before those accusing a woman caught in the act of adultery. A question lay heavy on his mind, “What if it had been two of the same gender, guilty of sexual sin, who were brought there before Him? Would His response have been any different?” We all agreed that neither the condition set as to who could throw the first stone nor the final judgment would have been altered if thus was the case. “Do we, then, as believers who are prone to elevate one offense over another,” he asked, “tend to strain at gnats while swallowing camels?” The room was silent only momentarily before someone reinforced their opinion on the original topic… The interchange, however, took my own thoughts elsewhere, another statement issued unto men and maybe the real “meat” of what Scripture is trying to teach us, “our humanity” being the “cross” we are to pick up in following Him. It affects all of us, history, environment, weaknesses, and just plain bad choices creating our identity, some of us luckier than others. What’s wrong is wrong, of course; but if it can be said that “sin”, in truth, is “not facing the Creator with who and what we are”, transgressions merely an outward evidence of our neglecting that process, then perhaps we might be closer to the actual message of the Cross. Clearly the New Testament declares that a man will one day receive grace even as he, himself, has given it, will stand condemned even as he, himself, has judged others. The Holy Ghost in me is not a confirmed ticket through the Pearly Gates, but an anchor-line leading me to a mirror, a daily process needed as I go……


  1. What an interesting thought/question, Jim. I really, really like that last sentence. That's an important thing to remember.

    1. I love that class, Annie, over half of us "the older generation", the teacher at least thirty years younger, but a fellow in pursuit of Christ and not sitting in cement. We speak from our heart, out of experience, each from our own perspective, disagree in some areas, yet leave each week well fed, carrying a "doggy bag" full of thought to chew over with the Holy Ghost.
